Astrological Tips for Happy Married Life

Astrological Tips for Happy Married Life :- For happy married life 7th house of astrological birth chart plays most important role because 7th house represents native “married life” & “balance relationship” with others . If you don’t have balance relationship with your spouse then definitely it’ll create marriage relationship problem. Now our topic is “Astrological Tips for Happy Married Life “. Before explaining this astrological way first try to understand why 7th house represents balance relationship to maintain the good relationship. As per main kalpurusha chart 7th house zodiac sign is libra & the symbol of libra is balancer to balance or maintain the equality which is the core or primary condition of happy relationship or to maintain the happy married life . Now if your spouse is dominating or not giving you any importance or quality time to you that means it can break the law of equality which may cause problem to maintain the happy relationship or married life. The secondary condition – other factor comes into play to maintain happy married life or even it can hamper the harmony of balance relationship in married life these are money income , extra marital affairs, family acceptance , career , kids. If you don’t have any proper balance income to maintain your family minimum expenditure or if you’ve after marriage extra marital affairs or if your family members are not accpeting to your spouse due to getting  married against of their choice of acceptance & you are living with your family or if you’ve bad career life or if you don’t have kids then these are the points can cause problem in married life even others factors are also there but how to know which one is very important that you’ve to maintain or give importance for happy married life for that you need to check your 7th house condition in your birth chart , D9 navamsha chart & Kp chart 7th cusp condition. If you balance that condition of your 7th house then you’ll not face anykind of problems in married life .

Condition 1:- you need to find out birth chart 7th house signlord planet & venus house placement condition based on nakshatra .

Condition 2 :- planets who are placed in 7th house that planets conditions based on nakshatra .

Condition 3 :- D9 navamsha chart 7th house signlord planet house placement condition & planets who are placed in 7th house that planets condition.

Condition 4 :- Birth chart 7th house signlord planet & venus conditions in D9 navamsha chart .

Most important Condition 5 :- Kp chart 7th cuspal nakshatra pada & upanakshatra lord planet’s nakshatra pada condition.

Condition 6:- Dara karka planet’s house placement condition in birth chart .

You need to find out these 6 conditions specially condition no 5 is very important that you need to give maximum importance because it’s the main condition to balance your 7th house which will help you for your happy married life .

Astrological Remedies Gemstone wise :- the planets who are strongly signifying 7th house & 11th house in kp cuspal chart that planets gemstone you must wear for happy married life, never ever wear any planets gemstone who are strongly signifying 6 , 8 , 12 houses in kp cuspal chart.

Astrological Remedies Using Karma Alignment House Activation Technique for Happy Married Life :- you need to find out your running dasha planets nakshatra & upanakhatra lord planets & you need to keep that planets related specific objects to the direction of your 7th house & 11th house cuspal degree direction from the Brahma Sthan of your home & must complete the task of your running dasha planets conditions only using nakahatra pada that will immediately trigger the 7th house condition which you’ve already started to balance it with the help of 6 given conditions but remember 6th house is the 12th from 7th house which negates 7th house of happy married life , so never ever activate 6th house degree direction using house activation technique means while placing planetary objects from brahma sthan make sure that you are correctly placing 7th house degree direction then only it’ll immediately trigger to your 7th house to balance 7th house condition with the help of running dasha planets nakshatra & upanakshatra planet. I’ve almost covered all portions of your 7th house matter for happy married life, if you’ve any confusion then you can contact me or for personal chart analysis consultation just check consultation page .

Thnx regards


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